डेरा प्रेमियों का संघ करना बेमिसाल! | TheFactEye
हमने देखा है कि जब भी डेरा प्रेमियों से कोई सहायता के लिए याचना करता है तो डेरा सच्चा सौदा की संगत पूरे तन मन धन से उसकी सहायता के लिए आगे आती हैं | हम यह भी कह सकते हैं कि यदि आपके आसपास कोई एक डेरा प्रेमी भी रहता है तो उसे आप अपने 100 जिगरी दोस्तों के बराबर समझ सकते हैं |
Read more as:- https://thefacteye.com/dera-premis-unite-supporting-communities/
हमने देखा है कि जब भी डेरा प्रेमियों से कोई सहायता के लिए याचना करता है तो डेरा सच्चा सौदा की संगत पूरे तन मन धन से उसकी सहायता के लिए आगे आती हैं | हम यह भी कह सकते हैं कि यदि आपके आसपास कोई एक डेरा प्रेमी भी रहता है तो उसे आप अपने 100 जिगरी दोस्तों के बराबर समझ सकते हैं |
Read more as:- https://thefacteye.com/dera-premis-unite-supporting-communities/
Record-Breaking Rainfall and Devastation: Floods Engulfing Haryana and Punjab as Green S Welfare Force Extends Relief Efforts
The heavy rainfall in the mountains has broken a record of the past 52 years.
It is the first time that the water of the Yamuna River has crossed the national capital and reached the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
The Shah Satnam Ji Green S Welfare Force Wing team has descended upon flood-affected areas in Haryana, Punjab & Himachal Pradesh.
Green S Force is actively providing help to the flood-affected people .
Primary challenge in all the flood-affected areas is to deal with the major issue of food and drinking water.
Green S Force is addressing by arranging langars (community kitchens) for them.
Read more as :-https://medium.com/@thefacteyetech/record-breaking-rainfall-and-devastation-floods-engulfing-haryana-and-punjab-as-green-s-welfare-3cada4032081
The heavy rainfall in the mountains has broken a record of the past 52 years.
It is the first time that the water of the Yamuna River has crossed the national capital and reached the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
The Shah Satnam Ji Green S Welfare Force Wing team has descended upon flood-affected areas in Haryana, Punjab & Himachal Pradesh.
Green S Force is actively providing help to the flood-affected people .
Primary challenge in all the flood-affected areas is to deal with the major issue of food and drinking water.
Green S Force is addressing by arranging langars (community kitchens) for them.
Read more as :-https://medium.com/@thefacteyetech/record-breaking-rainfall-and-devastation-floods-engulfing-haryana-and-punjab-as-green-s-welfare-3cada4032081